I've spent the majority of my career behind a computer. I've designed everything from campaigns to calendars and cut-away illustrations. This website is my attempt to gather and organize my personal and professional work in one place. I decided to learn this "no-code" platform, Webflow, and build my site on it. On one hand, it's been like an electronic scavenger hunt, resurrecting old hard drives not used in years. On the the other hand, it's been a learning experience trying to design and build this new website the way I wanted it—without templates.

This site is far from complete and I'm sure there are hiccups on some phone models or tablets, however I had to stop fussing around and take this site live at some point. I will continue to troubleshoot over the next several months and add content as needed. Most of my current work from my day job is not shown.

This site is also not intended to be a deep dive into strategic marketing and design, nor a place for heavy production or technical information. This is simply an online "picture book" of my work. It is meant to feature the wide range of work that I've done over the years and to show the range of work I can produce.

Some people are puzzled that I have a day job, yet I do all of this other work on the side. The answer to that riddle is simple. I can't develop as a designer the way I'd like by simply doing the work in front of me at the office. The responsibility to develop my skills and stay marketable is mine, not my employer. So, I take that seriously and do selective freelance work that provides me with those opportunities to grow. The learning and growing never stops and that's what I love about the career I have chosen. In my opinion, it's a win-win, both for my employer and for me.

Take a few minutes to click around and see a small sampling of the work I've done. I am always interested in opportunities to work on creative projects. Feel free to reach out with any exciting opportunities.
Ken Logsdon, designer, creative director